1. Javana Royal Villas
  2. Offers
  3. Concierge
  4. Flower Carpet Decoration

Flower Carpet Decoration


Celebrate a memorable experience in our villa with Special Flower Carpet Decoration.


Bed decoration using: Rose petals on and around the bed, Towel art decoration, and Anniversary/Honeymoon/Birthday cake (Regarding to your special occasions).

Terms & Conditions

Vouchers are only valid and redeemable during the stay.

How to use
Advance reservation is required to use this voucher. A hotel staff will get in touch with you on when you would like to enjoy these benefits.

You can also contact the hotel directly at [email protected] or +62 361 8475462 to make a reservation.
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IDR 942,148.76
IDR 991,735.54
not inclusive of 21% taxes and charges
Purchase now and save 5%
Pay only at hotel, this fee gets added to your bill
Flower Carpet DecorationFlower Carpet DecorationFlower Carpet Decoration